India is a country with varied cultures. People from around the world come to India to understand our value systems - from upbringing children to respect for elders; from home-made cooking to joint family systems! But with modernisation, westernization has also stepped in. There is a serious threat as people have started swaying away from their culture, their roots and their identity.

Jegamathi Kalaikoodam Trust will act to promote and to pass on the greatness of Indian and Tamil culture, to ensure imbibing the right values in the minds of the young and to propagate the dying art and craft of the region. The Trust has already embarked on its cultural mission. It produced and telecast documentaries showcasing the rich culture and the contributions of our great leaders.

Among other things, the trust will endeavour
  • To document various neglected historical evidences
  • To create social awareness among people
  • Regeneration of society
  • To popularize our Indian cultural arts to people
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